Image of the phrase "healing starts here" in print and cursive font.

Welcome to Fish Psychotherapy & Consulting, a private practice dedicated to your healing and well-being. I offer compassionate and individualized care that is tailored to your values and needs to help you meet your mental health goals. Whether you want to process a difficult experience or learn how to cope with tough emotions, we’ll work together to identify your strengths and find opportunities for growth to create lasting change in your life.

I’m Dr. Jill Fish — a Licensed Psychologist in the state of Minnesota and the owner of Fish Psychotherapy & Consulting.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been passionate about supporting people during some of their most challenging moments. As a counseling psychologist, I’m dedicated to helping people navigate obstacles and the ins and outs of their daily lives. I use culturally informed approaches and evidence-based therapies to shore up your strengths, enhance your well-being, and empower you to create a life worth living.

I specialize in helping clients process difficult experiences and emotions while learning skills to manage the impact trauma has on their lives.

I have extensive experience helping clients learn skills and strategies for how to identify, process, and cope with challenging emotions.

I have specialized training to help clients at all career stages align their personal values and needs with their work life to feel more job satisfaction.